Monday 19 August 2013

Morning Pick-Me-Ups

No matter how much of sleep I get on a Sunday night, I still get up without the desired amount of energy I would like for a Monday morning. Unlike many, I don’t dread Mondays (well not entirely). I do get Sunday evening blues, but on Mondays, I like to see it as pushing the re-start button. I don’t think that New Years is the only time for resolutions, but Mondays are as well (or so I’d like to think). So, what are some of the pick-me-ups I've been trying? Not just for Monday mornings, but for all mornings.

Wheatgrass: Wheatgrass is a great energizer for the mornings. Depending on the brand you buy, 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon should be added to liquid and drunk on an empty tummy. N usually mixes 1 teaspoon for me in half a cup of hot water and I have that before showering. I prefer hot water, as it helps the wheatgrass to dissolve. It’s actually replaced my morning coffee (which I now drink later: because I like coffee and no longer because I need it)! Try it. If the taste isn’t something you can handle, mix it in orange juice. Yummy!!

Chia seeds:
If you aren’t already having chia seeds, you are missing out! Apparently most of Centurion is now having chia as I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Did you know that chia contains the highest source of omega-3 (yes, even more than salmon). Chia also gives you tons of energy. Lots to say about chia (cos I love them), so that will be in another post

Often tiredness is caused by dehydration. To work out how much of water is adequate for your body, take your body weight and divide by 30 (a person weighing 60kg will need 2 litres of water, a person weighing 90kg will need 3 litres, etc). Sounds like a lot, but if you drink it throughout the day, it will be easier. I fill a 1.5 litre bottle and leave it on my desk and sip it during the day. I aim to finish it before leaving for home.

Let me know what you think about my morning pick-me-ups and if you have other suggestions, let me know what works for you! 

Heres to better mornings…


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