Tuesday 6 August 2013

On being the best you can be:

Is it possible to be content with your life? Happily married? A good wife, daughter, sibling and friend? Successful in your career? Well educated? Well groomed? Healthy? A good cook? Maintain a neat home? Enjoy peace of mind? Or does it all sound too much?  

I hate it when women feel like they have to choose certain aspects of their life to excel in, at the deficit of others.  You often hear, I have a great career, so I don’t cook? Or I’m too busy studying to eat healthy or exercise. Or I’m an intellectual; hence I can be untidy and unkempt.  Why do some women feel that they cannot be their best self?  That as an individual (all encompassing), they can’t be the best in every area.  Doesn’t everyone deserve to be the best that they can be?  Whatever your potential, you deserve to reach it.  You deserve to be great in every area of your life.  Why can’t you kick *ss at the office, and then get home and be a great wife? If you can wow management with your presentation, why can’t you wow your husband with dinner?

I always wanted to be the best that I could be.  I wanted it all.  I wanted to go to university. I wanted to get married. I wanted to have a rocking 20’s.  I wanted to be a great daughter, sibling and friend. I wanted to excel in my career. I wanted to cook meals as good as my mum and gran. I wanted to bake goodies that I saw in magazines. I wanted to be well read and well travelled.  I wanted to look my best.  I wanted to maintain a neat and comfortable home.  And what is wrong with wanting it all? Why should I limit myself to being good at just one thing when it is possible to be great at it all? Who says that I am not good enough to have it all and that I have to choose?  Four months ago, I became the wife to my soul mate; the man who I believed only existed in my dreams.  Getting married added a new role to my already crowded life: his wife. I have to juggle with being the best in everything else, with also being the best at this newly acquired important role.

This is what has prompted me to write this blog. I want to share with each of you small and easy ways that will help you to be your best.  Meeting many people who seem to have chosen to only excel at some of the aspects in their life shows me that there is some sort of stereotype that makes women feel inhibited.

I hope my blog will highlight the complexity of life, the shortage of time, the rat race we live in, the difficulty in completing studies, the pain of healthy eating and exercise, the imagination for cooking, the mundane of cleaning house and off course, how you can do it all whilst being well groomed and a great wife, daughter, sister, friend and employee.


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